Tuesday, August 19, 2008

this weekend

this weekend we tackled our backyard! i know does not sound like very much fun, but for everyone who knows my husband --- he does not spend a lot of time outside (unless of course it is on the baseball field!) so he got a wild hair to start cleaning up the backyard---and i jumped at the opportunity!!! we took 3 truck loads to the dump!!! with the help of some great friends - kris, brian, hunter and brandon--- thank you - also thanks to sister kim for being available with water bill in hand in case we needed another trip!!! it was really fun, but goodness i was sore saturday and sunday!

saturday we did a little back to school shopping for the boys --- i also then realized that i cannot shop for all three of the kiddos at the same time --- too much drama ---

sunday morning my sister kim came with me to help buy back to school stuff for madyson - i don't think i could have done it without her!

so....last night we separated and labeled school supplies - alex and madyson get to meet their teacher tonight and joshua gets to meet his teacher on thursday night!!!

1 comment:

Muffin Cup said...

You didn't tell me meet the teacher is tonight...call me later, I want to hear about it!

I am so happy you are in the bloggy world. Now I can keep up with you twice as well!

And your blog is C.U.T.E.!!!

(Good job Kim!)