Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a really good laugh

I laughed so hard I cried! Kim called me last night and told me to check my email and to make sure Madyson was with me. So I tore her away from the TV and we opened my email. Well, Kim had made a jib-jab sendable ecard. She put Madyson's picture in the place of Vanessa Hutchins (from High School Musical) face. So in essence Madyson got to dance with Troy! I cannot even begin to tell you how funny it was~~~ She giggled the entire time and I mean giggled and could not stop! When she woke up this morning and showed her bothers~~
I am not real sure anyone else will find this as funny, but here is the link if you want to watch and imagine Madyson laughing uncontrollably!!

Daniell is off again ~~ To Atlanta this time ~~ Alex has a tournament this weekend, somewhere in south Fort Worth. We will know exactly where by Thursday! This is the last tournament for the fall, I pray they do well!
I have pre-op stuff on Monday afternoon and my procedure on Wednesday! Yippee! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Muffin Cup said...

Hello? Pre-op?? Please call me immediatly. :)