Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So true.....

This is so true ~~

Confessions of a Baseball Parent........
I used to have a regular life. (Actually, many of my friends think that sentence should say, "I used to have a life", period.)

It doesn't really seem that long ago. Then I became a competitive baseball parent.I used to think anything over $40 was an exorbitant price to pay for a baseball bat. Now the contents of my son's equipment bag are worth more than everything else in the house.

I used to be one of the leaders in my field of work. I still am. (You have to keep a good paycheck coming in if you want to support a competitive baseball habit!)

I used to think a double-header was a long day at the ball field. Now after two games we're just getting warmed up.

I used to look for fancy restaurants that served seafood and prime-rib. Now I'm a connoisseur of nachos and hot dogs and my kids rate a city by the quality of a tournaments snack bar!Sunflower seeds used to be something I would see at a store and wonder who would eat those things? Now I don't feel comfortable leaving the house with out a bag in my pocket.

My lawn used to be like a carpet. It was green, mowed, trimmed, fertilized, and watered. Now I have two big bare spots fifty feet apart and dents in the garage door from fastballs that got away!

My car used to draw admiring looks and comments. It was clean and waxed and shined and Armor-All'd. Now it only draws attention when it wins the "dirtiest car in the parking lot" prize or it is covered in "go team" shoe-polish.

I used to have a garage. Now I have an indoor batting area.

My friends and I used to spend Monday mornings talking about a round of golf or a movie we had just seen. Now I bore them to death with play-by-play descriptions of five or six low-scoring ball games.We used to sit and talk for hours. We still do, however, now it's to keep the driver awake when we're headed home late Sunday evening after a tournament.

My summer casual wardrobe used to be made up of color-coordinated polo shirts, cool cottons in bright colors, and the occasional "aloha" shirt. Now I have a closet full of T-shirts that have Tournament Names on the front and competing teams on the back.

We used to spend our summer vacation relaxing on the beach or visiting family. Now we hit the road with 20 of our closest friends in a caravan that could rival some small town parades.

I used to be concerned that I would fall into the trap of living my life through my kid. Now I know that I'm privileged to live my life WITH my kid, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

YES, I'm a Competitive Baseball Parent, what could be better!!

For those who know me, you know my car has NEVER been clean and waxed (lol) and that our yard, well it needs some attention and always has!!! But the rest of it is so true!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Madyson and I got to go see the play Annie at the Bass Performance Hall in Ft Worth last night. My dad gave us ticket for Christmas. It was a great time. We had an all day 'girls day'. We went and had our nails done, got all dressed up, had a nice dinner downtown Ft Worth, and went to the play at 8pm. She was so cute and silly. As we turned the corner outside the Bass Hall, she was giggly and goofy. She was in awe of the outside of the place and even more impressed by the inside. I think now she wants to take drama classes!! The play was not over until 11:00 - she fell asleep on the way home! When we got home she went straight to bed and slept until 11:30 this morning! She was wore out! We had a very nice time together - what a great memory!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


My goodness I have been so busy..... Things have been a little crazy, but really good. My dad has been here for the last week and will be here through Christmas. We don't get to see him very often, so there is a lot to cram in while he is here.
He helped me get my bathroom faucets replaced... what a learning experience for me, but hey I can do it now!!! Thanks dad! Also a big thanks to my nephew Kyle who helped!! He also tore out some beams and the bathroom cabinet in the kids bathroom, so it is well on its way to looking better!!
Our Home Team group did a community service project last night, and wow was it eye opening. We had the kids collect blankets from around the neighborhood and took them to Downtown Dallas and passed them out to the homeless. We decided that most of our kids were old enough to help distribute the blanket, so they went also. It was a great opportunity for them to see, that not everyone lives like we do, and how blessed we truly are. I think it made an impact on them. I know it did on me. So I think we are going to do it again maybe after the first of the year!!!
I think I am almost finished shopping! Maybe have one more thing to buy!!
I am excited, this is the first year that I am off work on Christmas Eve (Daniell's birthday). The kids are out of school and probably have cabin fever right now because it is too cold to go outside and play!! It is crazy, stupid cold... On my way to work this morning it was 26 degrees!! Off to take my car to my dad so he can check the brakes and to the eye doctor. Have a great day!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Joshua ~ Sweet Joshua

There has been way too much stuff going on! Not even enough time to post. I have been meaning to tell this story about Joshua ~~ My sweet Joshua!!
One day last week I was looking over his planner from school and the comment that day from his teacher just said "Please talk to Joshua about his drawing" ~~~ I think to myself - Oh great what did he draw. So I did just that, asked him what he drew at school..... He starts to tell me about some guy he drew with a star head. He went into great detail about the eyes, the body, the legs, etc.... I stop him and tell him to get to the part where he got in trouble. Then he proceeds to tell me he drew the guy arms and a hand and fingers (can you guess where this is going?) - Then he says "On one of his hands I drew his pinkie finger sticking up" ~~~ I know now where the question 'Do you think I was born yesterday?' came from!!! So we had a great talk about what he did and why it was inappropriate and what it really means. Because I am pretty sure he did not know what it meant, only that it was something he was not suppose to do! Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

WOW it is over

Thanksgiving was great. We had about 17 people over for the day. It was great to have all the family together. Of course the girls went to Garden Ridge when the football game started. I finally found some rugs for the living room. That only took like 3 years! We put in tile that long ago, and I just had not found anything I liked. My mom and James were in town. It is always great to have Granny around.
Kris and I shopped ALL night Thursday night (or more like Friday morning) lol. It was great. Then about 9 am Kim, Kyle, Mom, Madyson and I went shopping. We had a fun time. I lost all my steam about 2:30. I just love the craziness of Black Friday!
We have the Christmas tree up(thanks Kim), that's it... No other decorations up. Because of course, life is back to school, work, practices, appointments, and places to be after school! Maybe we can get all the stuff out of the attic tonight some time! I came home from work yesterday and found one of my cats in the top of the tree.... Hopefully when we get it decorated he will stay out of it. But probably not!
Happy Birthday to Kera! Hope you are having a great time in Hawaii.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

here we go...

Well, I think I am all ready for the big Thanksgiving Day!!! My mom is coming in town, so that will be lots of fun!! I have been to the grocery store 4 times in the last four days! Everyone will be coming to our house and that is always fun! I have left the kids with BIG chore lists for the day.... hopefully I will not have too much to do when I get home from work. I know Daniell will crack the whip and make them get things done. He always is able get WAY more accomplished with the kids than I can!! Imagine that!! lol
I cannot wait until Friday! I hope to get ALL my shopping done! I just love to look at the ads on Thursday and set out a plan of action! I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Well, I got through surgery just fine. Shawna was so sweet to come up and be with Daniell and I. Even though I don't remember much (good drugs). I slept for a couple of days - the anesthesia kicked my butt!! I feel good today.
Daniell and I went to a meeting at school for Alex. He seems to be struggling really hard. So they are going to begin some testing to see if they can figure out what is not 'clicking'! I am so lucky to be in such a great school district. They don't just care about the job they do, but they care about the kids. Individually~~~ They care about my kid!! I am so blessed!!! Daniell and I had a great day together. We went to lunch and grocery shopping. That was really easy with him and not three kids. He was a great help!!!
This weekend I have veggie coop shop and the girl scout American Girl party! Alex has his first wrestling tournament Saturday. I will miss it due to the girl scout party, but I cannot wait to hear how it goes! Have a blessed weekend!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a really good laugh

I laughed so hard I cried! Kim called me last night and told me to check my email and to make sure Madyson was with me. So I tore her away from the TV and we opened my email. Well, Kim had made a jib-jab sendable ecard. She put Madyson's picture in the place of Vanessa Hutchins (from High School Musical) face. So in essence Madyson got to dance with Troy! I cannot even begin to tell you how funny it was~~~ She giggled the entire time and I mean giggled and could not stop! When she woke up this morning and showed her bothers~~
I am not real sure anyone else will find this as funny, but here is the link if you want to watch and imagine Madyson laughing uncontrollably!!


Daniell is off again ~~ To Atlanta this time ~~ Alex has a tournament this weekend, somewhere in south Fort Worth. We will know exactly where by Thursday! This is the last tournament for the fall, I pray they do well!
I have pre-op stuff on Monday afternoon and my procedure on Wednesday! Yippee! Have a great day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jury Duty!!!

Well I will start with the weekend. I had a great birthday. We had one baseball game Saturday and went out to eat with my hubby and kids. Halloween was fun, the kids had a great time. In bed a little early because, as you all know, there is nothing more important than a good night sleep before a big baseball tournament! (it didn't work...lol)
My sweet husband got me a really cute pink Garmin (GPS). I love it. I also got a really sweet key chain from my sister. It is like a charm key chain. She had a 'happy birthday', 'starbucks', and 'baseball' charm put in it. Very appropriate for me!
Monday started a long couple of days for me! I got jury duty. And got picked for the trial. It was a misdemeanor DWI. It took two days, the judge said that is not normal ~ should have been less! But the defense attorneys were terrible! It was a 6 panel jury. We all agreed he was guilty. The deliberation took about 10 minutes. I meet some nice people. The best part was we got to talk to the judge and the attorneys freely after it was all over. I do have to say I did learn alot, and even though it at times was a 'beating', it was very interesting. I am glad that I am excused for the next three years!
Daniell left this morning for somewhere ~ not sure where this time ~ He will not be back until Sunday :( We have a busy few days without him. Many places to be, and a few at the same time. Thanks to Kim and Eleanor I am able to get through the week.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


So it has been a long time.... I have been busy!!! Let's first start with last weeks baseball tournament... Alex's team took 2nd place I will try to attach a pic (if I can figure it out) They did a great job and it was two solid day of being at the baseball field. The other two had fun playing with all the other siblings! We have another tournament this weekend...Thank goodness our Saturday games are at 3pm and 5pm... So that means that I get to sleep in on my birthday, hey maybe I will get breakfast in bed! (or at least a Starbucks)lol

I went to the doctor on Tuesday and had a procedure done where the doctor looked at my uterus to see if I needed a hysterectomy or if we could do a less invasive procedure call Nova Sure. Basically, shorter down time and NO major surgery. Considering that after 3 c-section deliveries I would have to be cut open to have a hysterectomy. So good news there, the Nova Sure is scheduled for the 19th of November.

Madyson started a program at our gym called Fit Academy. It is an hour long twice a week only for kids ages 7-11. Hopefully this will help... Kids are mean and call her names...makes me want to cry just typing this...They do 30 minutes of cardio and also teach then about nutrition and what is good and bad choices!! This will last 7 weeks and then we will see what is next. They do have 3 levels, so hopefully this will be something that will be on-going. I just pray she does well and improves her health and self-esteem.

Joshua's baseball season is over so that helps with the schedule. He just tags along with Daniell or I all the time. Thank goodness he is a go-with-the-flow kind of kid!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Is there a normal anymore???

WOW what a week this has been!!! Daniell went back to the doctor on Monday and he has pneumonia!!! He got to bring his chest x-rays home they look BAD!! Thank goodness he was not put in the hospital. Yesterday the doctor called to check on him, and of course he was not any better!! So she called him in a steroid~~ Maybe now he will get better~~ Lots of breathing treatments, antibiotics, and the list of meds goes on. He called this morning and told me he felt 90 years old because of all the medication he had to take this morning!!!

Joshua plays in his last game of the season tomorrow at 9 AM!! GO REDS!!!

Alex plays his first tournament of the fall season this weekend....they start Saturday morning at 8:00 ~~ so that means he has to be there at 7!!!! YUCK Then he plays again at 4 in the afternoon! I hope they start out the season well. GO FLOWER MOUND HUNTERS!!!

Madyson is excited to see her friend Baylee tonight for her birthday party ~ they have not seen each other in a long time!!!

Looks like another busy, but fun weekend! God Bless to all!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can I add one more thing....

I would like to remind myself of several years ago when I had three babies and I thought my life was busy!!! What a joke!!! The days of staying at home, taking care of the house, and the kiddos.... I only wish they were back!!! I keep thinking about when my older sister told me "don't teach them to talk and don't teach them to walk" my kids that is!!! But of course I did not listen!!! Now they are older and from what I hear (and see) it does not get any easier!! But probably more interesting, and with my great friend and family, probably pretty funny too!!!
This is my schedule now!! Alex is in baseball, wrestling, and student council. Joshua is in baseball. Madyson is in a reading program. And my sweet, sweet husband travels ALOT!!! I have a full-time job, and I have ventured into a new business! After adding the wrestling schedule to the calendar, there is not a day in the week that we don't have something going on, and most days things overlap. I am sure blessed that my hubby can cook, clean, and do the laundry!!!
Daniell got home Sunday night from being gone for 5 days!!! That was a long 5 days!! Joshua had a great game on Saturday ~ Two in the park home runs ~ one was a grand slam~~ He was so excited!! Alex should start his tournaments in a couple of weeks!
My sweet hubby brought me a SWEET gift from being gone so long!! A Coach Swingpack purse and little wallet. He is so sweet!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

On the mend

Well, Daniell went to the doctor...she ran a flu test, thank goodness it was negative. So he just has a BAD viral infection! He was in bed for two day with 102 fever. He started alternating Tylenol and Advil every two hours all day! I took Joshua to the doctor yesterday also... he just has a really bad cold, she gave him some Rx cough med and told him to take it easy!
We all went to Joshua's game last night~~Daniell got out of bed for the game (silly, silly, man) ~~ but I am sure Joshua loved that he was there! We had Hunter and Brandon with us~~It's always fun to have people come watch the games! Hopefully Daniell is taking it easy today, so he will get better!

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Infirmary

Well ~ i think everyone in the house is sick, but me!! Mainly just allergies, but who knows! Daniell's is really bad ~ He has been running a fever all weekend ~ Last night it was 102.8 ~ Kinda high for an adult! He is at the doctor this morning!
Joshua had a great game on Saturday ~ He hit a triple ~ right over the right-fielders head!
The boys spent the night with there great friends Hunter and Brandon on Saturday night! They always have such a good time with them ~ it is amazing, there is no bickering or fighting, the four of them have so much fun!!!
Sunday was a pretty lazy day ~ Just trying to have everyone rest and get well!
Joshua has a late game tonight ~ not til 7:30! This will make for a crazy late evening!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

11 years today

Today is our 11 year anniversary. Daniell gave me a new pink ipod nano ~ it is so cute ~ and pink!! Kim has offered to keep the kiddos tonight so we can go to dinner~~thanks Kim! I need to figure out something to give him~~the only problem with that is, when he wants something he goes and buys it~~so I don't really know what to get him!
I am a little annoyed at my doctors office. I had some tests ran on Friday, they said the results would be back on Monday.... Well I called right before lunch today and asked they had the results and the lady said "yes they are here and someone will be calling you today" ~~~ That just stinks, now I get to ponder what 'might' be wrong with me!!! I will keep you posted! Have a great afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's for you little sister)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

Monday, September 22, 2008

it's monday again

Good Morning!

We have had a great week and weekend! Alex ran for Treasurer for the Student Council at school, and won!!! He had to give a speech in front of the entire 4Th and 5Th grade class! His teacher said he was the first on to give a speech (that had to be very nervous). He is so excited and I am really proud of him!

Saturday Joshua had a game he did great~~ hit a triple!! Saturday evening we did a little rearranging in the house - Daniell started the laundry - the kids played - great weather and very relaxing.

Sunday we went to the Klinkos and watched the first football game and have pizza - Alex had conditioning, Joshua went with him and Daniell (it makes him feel like he is so big when he works out with Alex's team) ~ Madyson, Kim and I went to Highland Village and shopped around ~ had a girl's afternoon!

I am so excited Grey's starts this week!! I just only wish the girls would stop kissing other girls!

Monday, September 15, 2008

it has been a while!

we had a great weekend! it was a little busy - doing it with Daniell out of town is a little crazy, but we survived~

saturday - Joshua had his season opener for baseball - he did a great job! they lost by 3..... not bad for the first game!!
my sister Kim came over and put a permanent curl reducer on my hair, because it is CRAZY curly - NOT NOW~~ we had lots of fun, but it did take 4 hours. my sweet friend Megan came in town and hung out saturday afternoon and night! i just love her ~ she is so funny and is such a great friend~ we went shopping and ate dinner at Logan's (of course with the my kids because Daniell is out of town). we were sitting at the table and the boys start throwing peanuts into the bucket on the table.... i was okay with that..no big deal. then Megan pretended to throw one in the bucket and threw a peanut right at Joshua! they (the kids) were a little shocked for a moment - then started laughing - and then.... peanuts went flying!!! it was so much fun!!!

sunday we headed to Kims to do Trey's girlfriends hair - the kids brought there bikes and played in the neighborhood! then Alex went to practice and we had HomeTeam!

Daniell got home really late last night...not really sure when...all i know is that he was in the bed when i got up to go to work this morning! i am so excited about the weather this week!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Test for Amy

Did this work?


Last night was pretty quiet around the gage household! Joshua went to practice, alex played in the neighborhood and madyson played her friend down the street. madyson and i started watching the movie 'annie'. i had told her i loved the movie when i was little. she was so funny about every 15 minutes she would ask me a question: why is there all girls at that house? what is wrong with that lady? is she drunk? why is she drink the water out of the flower vase? mom, what really happen to her parents? are her parents going to come and get her? why would someone leave there kids in a place like that? how do you know all these songs? but i think the best was the comment - 'mom they sure had some pretty houses back then, but the clothes are not so cute! oh my goodness - it was so funny! so i started dinner and the movie was still on~~~ all the boys came home and were totally irritated that they had to watch the rest of the movie and could not put on the football game!! daniell even looked at me and motioned that he was going to slit his wrists!! i assured them the torture would not last much longer! all was well they caught the last half of the game!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

one more thing to the schedule

schools is back in full swing. madyson is back to the library every week. joshua started back with baseball, practice on tuesday, thursday and sometimes friday. alex starts back with baseball on sunday, his practices will be wednesday and sunday, and batting trainer on thursdays. and alex comes home from school yesterday and says 'hey mom guess who made student council?' YEP it is him! so one more thing to the schedule... i am excited for him. he was chosen by the 5th grade teachers and then voted by his peers. i don't know what i would do without a full calendar...probably be REAL bored---or have a clean house! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

long weekend!

we had a great long weekend!! helped kris paint and decorate hunters room! it is so awesome! and we went to six flags... yes on labor day...we went to six flags..kind of crazy, but lots of fun.... 2 adults 6 kiddos! daniell came back in town on sunday! happy to have him home for a while!!!

i have to share the sweetest thing that happened! let me preface this with, my son alex, who is 10, is a raging ball of hormones! (even growing hair under his arms YIKES) - so he is being a great big jerk, especially to his brother and sister! okay.... kim and i are in the garage, stripping madysons dresser. madyson comes outside and is mad because alex is being mean and says 'he has to act sooo cool around his friends'!!! i tell her that i know and i am real sorry to just ignore him for now! so about 10 minutes later she comes back outside, eyes full of tears, but not crying! i ask her what was wrong... she, not crying yet, asks me if it was wrong to THINK bad things about someone? i said "what?" now the tears flow and she says (in the middle of crying) "i said two curse words about alex in my head and now i feel really, really bad!" thank goodness kim was there, because i really was not sure what to say to her. kim was great, she told her about how wonderful it was that we have Jesus in our hearts, all we have to do is ask Him for forgiveness and it is done! what a sweet heart she has! (also thank goodness, a conscience too :) )

Thursday, August 28, 2008


this morning as i was getting ready for work, and it hit me....or God hit me! i am so lucky....no i am so very blessed!!! i was gently reminded, by God,-
- what a great husband i have. he really is perfect for me. i just thanked God for giving him to me.
- what great kids i have. i can't believe He trusted me with three of His precious children!! what an honor and a blessing
- what a great family i have, in addition to my hubby and children.... i mean my mom, my sisters, my dad. i am so blessed to have them, not only be my family, but great friends too...
- speaking of friends God has blessed me with really great friends and neighbors! i feel so safe and comfortable...as much as daniell travels.. to feel so 'ok' when he is gone, but also to know that if i didn't, that i have great, dependable friends i can call, even if it is just to talk!
- also what a great job i have - i get to work in His house! i am surrounded by christians, i don't have to worry about what i say or if i am going to offend someone with the name of Jesus! i have great people i work with... WOW

i thanked God this morning for blessing my life in so many ways, i also thanked him for giving me all of you! i also prayed that God may bless you and keep you safe! thank you to everyone - i love you!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

first day of school

everyone made it to school this morning! of course alex didn't want anything to do with us as soon as we walked in the front door. madyson told me last night she was nervous! as she walked away with a friend i asked her if she was good, she said 'yep' so we walked around to joshua's class got him all settled in (his 'meet the teacher' was canceled due to power outage). i introduced joshua to his teacher and her response was "oh, mady's brother!" my poor boys...i don't know if anyone would know who they were if it were not for their sister! :) so as we were leaving the school madyson is standing outside, where we walked in, with the assistant principal...of course crying. she had thought we left! so we walked her to class i gave her a big hug and told her to have a great day!

saturday was joshua's big 8th birthday.... we celebrated by spending the day at six flags with a couple of friends! so 5 kids, kris and I went to spend the saturday before school starts at six flags. It was not bad, the kids had a blast! it rained for about 20 minutes, of course right before alex and hunter got on the texas giant, they closed it! alex was bumbed! we left and took them to sonic for a treat..nothing like ice cream at 10 o'clock at night! all in all we had a great end of the summer weekend!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

meet the teacher

okay...i get home about 3:15 and daniell had called on a bike that someone had listed on criags list... joshua's bike needs a new chain....so of course the logical thing to do would be to buy a bike RIGHT???? (no, no we cannot go buy a new chain for the bike) so at 3:30 he says we need to go to las colinas and get this bike for joshua - his birthday is saturday! but we also need to be at the school at 5:30.... so we all pile in the car and head to get the bike! well as the kids and i sit in the car it is taking a long time... it is now 4:30...4:40...4:45 i think great we go to buy a bike and someone has killed my husband!!! a little dramatic i know, i am just a little crazy about being late!!! he finally come out with a great bike has all kinds of boy stuff on it and hopefully this one will last a long time!!! so back to flower mound we go at 4:50...from las colinas PRIME traffic time....but of course i get all freaked out about nothing we made it on time!!!

'meet the teacher' was great!!! we went to the school and met alex and madyson's teachers! (joshua's will be thursday night). alex's teacher is new to the school, not to lisd or 5th grade so that is wonderful! her name is mrs. walker, she is from the netherlands! so she talks really cool, even though she has been in the states sense 1990. we have a new principal this year, alex's teacher came with her from rockbrook elementary. i am very excited about her...the first thing she said was that she did not teach the taks test, that she teaches curriculum!! she also does not give homework, the only homework he should have is what he does not finish in class!

madyson's teacher has been at timbercreek for about 7 years. she used to be in law enforcement---i think that will probably be perfect for madyson---lol. she seems really good, she like to teach life skills and not just regular old school!!! of course every time i turned around madyson was no where to be found....off finding long lost friends and hugging all the staff!!!

joshua was a little bumbed last night because his night is not until thursday, so none of his friends were there... he is gearing up for big 8th birthday on saturday!!!!

i think something blew in yesterday because last night my sinus' started hurting and my throat is really sore...yucky drainage!!! i really don't want to get sick!!! also one more thing big huge thanks to kim who made my page look so cute and so me!!!! hugs and kisses THANKS KIM!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

this weekend

this weekend we tackled our backyard! i know does not sound like very much fun, but for everyone who knows my husband --- he does not spend a lot of time outside (unless of course it is on the baseball field!) so he got a wild hair to start cleaning up the backyard---and i jumped at the opportunity!!! we took 3 truck loads to the dump!!! with the help of some great friends - kris, brian, hunter and brandon--- thank you - also thanks to sister kim for being available with water bill in hand in case we needed another trip!!! it was really fun, but goodness i was sore saturday and sunday!

saturday we did a little back to school shopping for the boys --- i also then realized that i cannot shop for all three of the kiddos at the same time --- too much drama ---

sunday morning my sister kim came with me to help buy back to school stuff for madyson - i don't think i could have done it without her!

so....last night we separated and labeled school supplies - alex and madyson get to meet their teacher tonight and joshua gets to meet his teacher on thursday night!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

let's give this a try

i have been trying to create a blog for a long time!!!! so here it is!!! yesterday was the big release of "madden '09" - my crazy husband was at game stop at midnight with a couple of friends to buy it!! alex and joshua got to clean the fence because they decided to spray paint their bike ramp and one of them had the great idea to paint smiley faces on the fence!!! i just love little life lessons!!! :) so - i guess that's about all for today - have a blessed one!